“Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality.” - Theodor W. Adorno
FSoM is a collection of recordings created and curated by PERC mastermind Aaron C Schroeder. Utilizing the many artists and musicians that have come thru the PERC doors, Aaron C Schroeder designs each album around a specific set of rules that each musician must follow. With a "no negotiations" outlook, the players tapped to be a part of FSoM all do their part to push the music to strange and unknown areas of sound and acceptance. A melting pot of ideas, the outcome of which can only be known upon completion. Inspired by the philosophies and writings of members from the Frankfurt School of the 1930s, it is the goal of The Frankfurt School Of Music to bring back a deeper and more profound thinking to what musics role is in modern day society, and what it can be.
Not so much a band or artist but more a function of creation. Frankfurt School Of Music (or F.S.o.M.) releases are ideas, theories and double dog dares to push the meter into the red of tolerance. Every record is made in the moment w/ no concerns for outcome. The process is the art, the output is merely a bi-product.
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